Grey tabby cat lifespan
Grey tabby cat lifespan

grey tabby cat lifespan grey tabby cat lifespan

Some cats are notoriously lazy, so how can you get an indoor cat to exercise? Interacting with your cat is one option. Your best bet is to discuss the various diets with your vet, so he or she can guide you to the food that is best for your cat. Since there are so many options, it can be difficult to choose a quality cat food. DietAn ideal diet is moisture-rich and has all of the nutrition your cat needs.In many cases, when caught early, the conditions can be successfully treated. In addition to vaccines and other preventative measures, the vet can also perform annual tests to make sure your cat isn’t dealing with any medical conditions. In fact, you won’t likely notice anything is wrong with your pet until things have progressed to the point that it may be too late for effective treatment.That’s why routine care is so important. Want your cat to outlive the average? Here are some things to consider:Ĭats won’t complain when they don’t feel good. One kitty, Crème Puff, made it to the ripe old age of 38! While 13 to 17 years is the average life expectancy for an indoor cat, some live much shorter lives while others live well into their 20s. That’s the average for all cats kept indoors, but there are many variables that can shorten or lengthen a cat’s life. The short answer, according to the ASPCA, is 13 to 17 years. Good news for cat lovers: Cats are living longer lives than ever thanks to better nutrition and advances in medical care.

Grey tabby cat lifespan